
You can either use the docker installation, or install using APT

Docker installation #

Please refer to lomo-docker for installation with docker image. You can either use the arm image “lomorage/raspberrypi-lomorage:latest” or amd64 image “lomorage/amd64-lomorage:latest” based on the host architecture.

APT installation #

Currently we only support x86/AMD64 Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver) and Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa).

1. Add lomoware source #

sudo apt install -y ca-certificates python-certifi python3-certifi
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
curl -fsSL https://lomoware.lomorage.com/debian/gpg.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lomorage-apt-key.gpg > /dev/null

If you are using Bionic:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://lomoware.lomorage.com/debian/bionic bionic main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lomoware.list

If you are using Focal:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] https://lomoware.lomorage.com/debian/focal focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lomoware.list

then run:

sudo apt update

2. Install Lomorage #

You need at least lomo-vips, lomo-base-lite and lomo-backend installed.

  • lomo-backend: mandatory, “Lomorage Photo Assistant” backend

  • lomo-base-lite: optional, hard drive mount tool, rsync, jq etc

  • lomo-vips: mandatory, lomorage vips clone. (A fast image processing library with low memory needs), used by lomo-backend

sudo apt install lomo-base-lite lomo-vips lomo-backend -y

Make sure the user can sudo without password, if not, execute the following command to add it:

echo "$USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/$USER

3. Configuration parameter customization #

User can use environment variable to control configuration parameter as below. Above example is using /etc/profile file as default. You can change based on your own setup.

Note after you set environment variable, please make sure it takes effect when you start or restart lomod

3. Configuration parameter customization #

User can use environment variable in “/opt/lomorage/etc/environment” to control configuration parameter as below. You can change based on your own setup.

3.1 Change mount directory #

You may need to specify the mount directory if the USB drive is not mounted in “/media” directory.

For example if you are using PCManFM, then the mount directory will be “/media/pi”. To specify the mount directory to be “/media/pi”, add environment variable LOMOD_MOUNT_DIR=/media/pi in /opt/lomorage/etc/environment, such as

echo "LOMOD_MOUNT_DIR=/media/pi" | tee -a /opt/lomorage/etc/environment

this parameter should be the directory mount, not the sub-directory

Make sure the user has the r/w permission for above mount directory, this parameter should be the parent directory mounted, for example if it’s mounted as “/media/pi/disk0”, then you should use “/media/pi/”.

3.2 HTTP Listen Port #

Lomod listens on port 8000 by default. If it is conflict and you want to specify own listen port, you can add environment variable LOMOD_PORT_HTTP in /opt/lomorage/etc/environment. For example,

echo "LOMOD_PORT_HTTP=8888" | tee -a /opt/lomorage/etc/environment

Another option is cp /lib/systemd/system/lomod.service /etc/systemd/system/lomod.service and then edit “/etc/systemd/system/lomod.service” and change “ExecStart” directly to specify the parameters used(run /opt/lomorage/bin/lomod -h to check the parameters), and run sudo systemctl daemon-reload, then it will use “/etc/systemd/system/lomod.service” instead. “/lib/systemd/system/lomod.service” is expected to be overwritten when upgrade.

4. Run #

Restart “Lomorage Photo Assistant”:

# restart lomo-backend
sudo systemctl restart lomod

# restart lomo-frame
sudo service supervisor restart
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